what is personal historious?

Personal historious is your very own, personal search engine. When you historify a site, you have the option to make it public or keep it private (the default is private, unless you change it). If you choose to make the site public, it will appear on your personal historious, which you can then find on https://<your username>.historio.us/.

If you are logged in, you can also find the address of your personal historious on your settings page. You can also control whether new links will be public there, or disable your personal historious entirely if, for some reason, you do not like it.

what is it good for?

Your personal historious has a few tricks up its sleeve. First and foremost, you can give the link to your friends and they can search for the sites and topics you find interesting.

Another useful feature of personal historious (and historious in general) is the "i'm feeling lucky" feature, which either takes you to the first result for the entered query, or takes you to a random page if no query has been entered.

To see it in action, you can take a look at the demo site and use the URL for your own, after substituting "demo" with your username:


historious also helps with the common use case of a friend asking you for help on a topic, you searching through your bookmarks and giving them a few sites relevant to their need. With personal historious, you can now just refer them to your search page with a few keywords about the topic added, and they will immediately see a list of all the websites you have historified that pertain to the topic.

To see it in action, you can take a look at the demo site and use the URL for your own, after substituting "demo" with your username, as above:
